Monday, November 21, 2011


Indian food offers a variety of vegetarian dishes. Some can be spicy specially in rstaurants. We however, will be all pampered by our private chefs. They know the western taste as well as our ayurvedic treatments requirements. 

We also, will have available, home cooking from near by home restaurants.

To keep your taste buds happy and your tummy healthy, here are a few

  • Street food in India is not subject to any health code; therefore it is best to simply avoid it.
  • Food served in hotels, restaurants and homes is generally safe to eat.
  • If you have special dietary needs you will be best off bringing them with you.
  • The natural food movement has not yet hit India.
  • A staple in India is "Chai" - black tea. They drink it morning, noon and night. 
  • All sweets in India contain sugar. If you need alternatives to sugar, you will need to bring them from home.


You will be responsible for the payment of your food. The center
provides restaurant services. The center also provides breakfast for 75 Rs, lunch for 125 Rs and dinner for 100 Rs. Consider $ 6 US a day for food.

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